Chapter Nominations/Elections Committee


 The Chapter Board of Directors elects the Nominations/Elections Committee at any meeting of the Board of Directors preceding the Chapter Annual Meeting.  The Nominating Committee shall elect its own Chair.  The committee is dissolved upon completion of the annual elections.  Members of the Chapter Board of Directors shall not serve on the Nominating Committee.


Specific Responsibilities:

∙                  Solicit and receive nominations (including resumes) for elected offices.

∙                  Consider the qualifications of all proposed candidates.

∙                  Nominate only candidates who satisfy the qualifications specified by the Bylaws for the office for which they are candidates;

∙                  Submit one (1) name for each elective office to be filled;

∙                  Prepare ballots for elections at the annual meeting.

∙                  There must be a separate ballot for Delegates  (it cannot be on the same page with Chapter Board Members)

∙                  Prepare information regarding the elections for inclusion in the newsletter/web site as appropriate.

∙                  Read the Nominating Committee report at the Chapter Annual Meeting.

∙                  Coordinate the elections at the annual meeting;

∙                  Post resumes in the AMTA room upon arrival of the first AMTA board member — if Nominations Chair cannot be there early then they are to forward resumes to the President for early posting

∙                  Accept nominations from the floor only if the person has a resume on hand to submit.

∙                  Assign a tellers committee consisting of at least 3 AMTA professional members (not including the Nominations Chair) are to be selected from volunteers prior to voting.

∙                  If only one name submitted for any office, it is the President’s call to ask for a voice vote rather than a written vote.

∙                  In the event of a tie, the Chair will ask the President for permission to conduct a voice vote to resolve the tie.

∙                  Talleying for Delegates and alternates is as follows:

∙                  Person with the most votes is 1st Delegate

∙                  Person with 2nd most votes is 2nd Delegate

∙                  Person with the 3rd most votes is 1st alternate

∙                  Person with the 4th most votes is 2nd alternate, etc

∙                  Maintain on-going communications with Chapter President.


Eligibility:  The individual serving on the Nominations Committee must be a professional member in good standing.

Term of Service:  Beginning immediately upon election of the committee chair by the Chapter BOD and ceasing immediately upon the close of the annual elections.

Removal from Office

Any chair may be removed from appointed position for failure to:

  1. Fulfill her/his duties and responsibilities (dereliction of duties).
  2. Abide by the National AMTA Bylaws, Policy, Job Description, Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct, Chapter Standing Rules, Financial Policies and Procedures.
  3. Keep AMTA membership dues current.

Authority:  This position functions as prescribed by the Chapter Board and has no general authority to act on behalf of AMTA or the Chapter or to commit funds.

Accountability:  The Nominations/Elections Chair is accountable to the Chapter Board and reports to the Chapter President or designated supervising Vice President.

Other Points to Note:

∙           All AMTA correspondence is privileged and ONLY goes to board members unless the board agrees that something has need to be shared with others.  This is absolute.  Please do not share anything that is said on this board unless you know that the board wants it to be shared.

∙             All reports, including resignations, come only to the President, who then can have conversations to update, correct, or call with questions before sharing with the rest of the board.  This is for any reporting that you are responsible for and includes things that are to go to National.  They should come to the President first and not be sent out to national or others until confirmed by the President.




Revised 3/2010