Chapter Financial Administrator
Position Title: Chapter Financial Administrator
The Chapter Financial Administrator ensures the integrity of the fiscal affairs of the Chapter.
In addition to being a Professional member in good standing, and signing the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct, she/he must meet one or more of the following requirements:
- Completed one term year as a Chapter Board member within the last three years.
- Completed one term year as a Chapter committee chair or member, within the last two years.
- Completed one term year as a National Standing Committee Chair or National Board member within the last two years.
- Has experience in bookkeeping, accounting or finance.
The Chapter Financial Administrator is given authority by the Chapter membership through election and as specified in the National AMTA Bylaws, Policy and Chapter Standing Rules (if existent).
The Chapter Financial Administrator is accountable to the Chapter Board, Chapter
members and AMTA National Board of Directors by virtue of election.
The Chapter Financial Administrator agrees to uphold and abide by the Chapter
Volunteer Code of Conduct.
Term of Office
The Chapter Financial Administrator is elected every odd year for a term of two (2)
years or until a successor is elected.
The Chapter Financial Administrator works most closely with Chapter Board members
and appointees, and National AMTA staff. The Chapter Financial Administrator also
communicates with Chapter members, the Chapter Relations Committee, and
Finance staff, and/or other National volunteers, as appropriate.
1. Is a voting member of the Chapter Board.
2. Attends Chapter Board, Chapter membership, and any Chapter committee meetings
for which the Chapter Financial Administrator has responsibility (i.e. Chapter budget
3. Accepts responsibilities for Chapter/Association assignments as delegated by the
Chapter President.
4. May temporarily assume the responsibilities of vacant positions while working with
the President, the Chapter Relations Committee and staff to fill the vacancy.
5. Shall not be the Chair of more than two (2) committees, sub-committees, special
committees or workgroups.
6. In cooperation with the President, conducts the regular day-to-day financial business
affairs of the Chapter.
7. Adopts, uses, and complies with the Chapter Internal Controls detailed in AMTA
8. Manages and oversees the Chapter Budget.
a. In collaboration with Chapter Board members and/or Chapter Finance
Committee, prepares the annual Chapter budget, for presentation to the Chapter
Board and the Chapter membership for approval.
b. Submits approved budget to national office finance department by deadline in
accordance with AMTA Policy.
c. Ensures that Chapter records are maintained according to the record retention
guidelines, and submits required reports to the National Office.
d. Ensures that expenses are budgeted and allowable.
e. Provides information to the Chapter Board regarding budgetary restrictions and
alerts the Chapter Board when projects, programs, or units are in danger of going
over budget.
f. Brings all unapproved and/or unbudgeted requests for funds and payment to the
Chapter Board.
g. Proposes cost cutting measures and budget adjustments.
h. Reports line item financial status of the Chapter, actual vs. budgets, to the
Chapter Board quarterly and to the Chapter members annually.
9. Keeps the Chapter Board current regarding status of investments, when applicable.
10. Approves reimbursement to members, appointees, or other volunteers, for budgeted
or approved expenditures made on behalf of the Chapter.
a. Submits required documentation to the national office to support each payment in
order to allow proper recording in the chapter financial records.
11. Signs and submits certification letter to national office finance department by
deadline in accordance with AMTA Policy.
12. Submits checks and cash received as payments for chapter events and other income
to the national office finance department within 5 business days of receipt.
13. Reviews Chapter expenditures and financial status on a regular basis to ensure
overall fiscal responsibility.
14. Reconciles total credit card statement monthly, ensuring all receipts are received and
in order.
15. Annually updates Chapter Board on changes to National financial policies.
16. Communicates with Chapter membership, through regular reports, the financial
status of the Chapter, including income and expenses to date and account
17. Identifies, recruits, cultivates, and mentors future Chapter leaders.
18. Makes recommendations to the Chapter President for committee appointments.
19. Directs and refers members to appropriate volunteer and staff contacts as
20. Is available to receive direct feedback from members for input to the Chapter
Board and to communicate appropriate information regarding actions of the
Chapter Board.
21. Ensures Chapter financial operations are consistent with AMTA National Bylaws
and Policy.
22. Fulfills fiduciary, due diligence, and other responsibilities of Chapter Board
members as described in the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct.
23. Maintains orderly records of activities and timelines relevant to his/her position
during their term and supplies the incoming Chapter Financial Administrator with
those records to ensure a smooth transition.
Time Commitment
The time commitment is approximately 5 hours per week. Time commitment may be considerably greater for short durations during preparation of budget, annual reports. etc.
Vacancy and Succession
A vacancy in the Financial Administrator position will be filled according to AMTA Bylaws, Policy, and Chapter Standing Rules.
Removal from Office
An officer may be removed from office for failure to:
- Fulfill her/his duties and responsibilities (dereliction of duties).
- Abide by the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct
- Keep AMTA membership dues current.
Removal shall occur upon recommendation from a Chapter Board member with a two-thirds vote of the entire Chapter Board.